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Hands-on Deep Dynamics Robots (2021 Spring)

Course Description

The course introduces the design and control principles of dynamical robots, as exampled by the MIT mini Cheetah quadruped robot, a fabulous dynamical under-actuated mechanical system. We will introduce both theories and practices, focusing on how to project theories into designs and how to dig the fundamental principles underlying practices. "Hands-on" is the most efficient way in learning, especially if you can learn while playing.

Topics include introduction to dynamics robot, forward and inverse kinematics, control theory and basic programming skills for robot simulation. Experiements covering those topics will be done in a physics engine with python interface.

Course Information


Prof. Hongtao WANG (Email: [email protected])

Teaching Assistant

Ph.D. Candicate: Chaojie FU

Ph.D. Candidate: Yecheng SHAO (Email: [email protected])


Advanced Experimental Solid Mechanics (ZJU Course No. 26120280)

Part II: Hands-on Deep Dynamical Robot

As taught in

Spring 2021


(1)Hand on dynamical robots;

(2)Understand the design, modelling, simulation, assemble and control;

(3)Keep in touch with most advanced technology development, such as AI;

(4)Develop the tools necessary to design and control robots.


(1)Four virtual experiment reports with 25% each;
(2)No final exam;

(3)The final grade is 100 for the summer semester, which accounts for 50% of this course.


The lectures, assignments, textbook, and some reference materials will be all be open and available online.


The lectures, assignments, textbook, and some reference materials will be all be open and available online.


Here show some great experiments result from our students.


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